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Bangalore North University 2nd Sem BCA Study Materials

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Bangalore North University BCA syllabus





Syllabus as per the one prescribed for science courses of Bangalore University. 


Syllabus as per the one prescribed for science courses of Bangalore University. 


Total Teaching Hours : 60 No of Hours / Week : 04 Unit-I  

Introduction and Overview: Definition, Elementary data organization, Data Structures,  data structures operations, Abstract data types, algorithms complexity, time-space  tradeoff. Preliminaries: Mathematical notations and functions, Algorithmic notations,  control structures, Complexity of algorithms, asymptotic notations for complexity of  algorithms. String Processing: Definition, Storing Stings, String as ADT, String  operations, word/text processing, Pattern Matching algorithms.  

[ 12 Hours ] 


Arrays: Definition, Linear arrays, arrays as ADT, Representation of Linear Arrays in  Memory, Traversing Linear arrays, Inserting and deleting, Sorting: Bubble sort, Insertion  sort, Selection sort, Searching: Linear Search, Binary search, Multidimensional arrays, 

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Matrices and Sparse matrices.  [ 12 Hours ] 


Linked list: Definition, Representation of Singly linked list in memory, Traversing a  Singly linked list, Searching a Singly linked list, Memory allocation, Garbage collection,  Insertion into a singly linked list, Deletion from a singly liked list; Doubly liked list,  Header liked list, Circular linked list.  

[ 12 Hours ] 


Stacks – Definition, Array representation of stacks, Linked representation of stacks,  Stack as ADT, Arithmetic Expressions: Polish Notation, Application of Stacks,  Recursion, Towers of Hanoi, Implementation of recursive procedures by stack. Queues  – Definition, Array representation of queue, Linked list representation of queues Types  of queue: Simple queue, Circular queue, Double ended queue, Priority queue, Operations  on Queues, Applications of queues. 

 [ 12 Hours ] Unit-V 

Graphs: Graph theory terminology, Sequential representation of Graphs: Adjacency  matrix, traversing a Graph. Tree – Definitions, Binary trees, Representing binary trees in  memory, Traversing Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Searching, Inserting and  Deleting in a Binary Search Tree. 

 [ 12 Hours ] TEXT BOOKS 

  1. Seymour Lipschutz, “Data Structures with C”, Schaum’s outLines, Tata  McGraw-Hill, 2011. 


  1. Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C”, Second  Edition, Pearson Education, 2013. 

  2. Robert Kruse, C.L.Tondo, Bruce Leung, Shashi Mogalla, “Data Structures and  Program Design using C”, Pearson Education, 2009. 

  3. Forouzan, “A Structured Programming Approach using C”, 2nd Edition, Cengage  Learning India, 2008. 


Total Teaching Hours : 60 No of Hours / Week : 04 Unit - I 

Introduction: Database and Database Users, Characteristics of the Database Approach,  Different people behind DBMS, Implications of Database Approach, Advantages of  using DBMS, When not to use a DBMS. Database System Concepts and architecture: Data Models, Schemas, and Instances. DBMS Architecture and Data Independence.,  Database languages and interfaces. The database system Environment, Classification of  DBMS.  

[ 12 Hours ] 

Unit - II 

Data Modelling Using the Entity-Relationship Model: High level conceptual Data  Models for Database Design with and example., Entity types, Entity sets, attributes, and  Keys, ER Model Concepts, Notation for ER Diagrams, Proper naming of Schema  Constructs, Relationship types of degree higher than two. Record Storage and Primary  File Organization: Secondary Storage Devices. Buffering of Blocks. Placing file Records  on Disk. Operations on Files, File of unordered Records (Heap files), Files of Ordered 

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Records (Sorted files), Hashing Techniques, and Other Primary file Organization. [ 12 Hours ] 

Unit - III 

Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Database: Informal Design  Guidelines for Relational schemas, Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms Based on  Primary Keys., General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms Based on  Primary Keys., General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms, Boyce-Codd  Normal Form. Relational Data Model and Relational Algebra: Relational Model  Concepts., relational Model Constraints and relational Database Schema, defining  Relations, Update Operations on Relations., Basic Relational Algebra Operations,  Additional Relational Operations., Examples of queries in the Relational Algebra.,  Relational Database design Using ER-to-Relational Mapping. 

[ 12 Hours ] 

Unit – IV 

Relational Database Language: Data definition in SQL, Queries in SQL, Insert, Delete  and Update Statements in SQL, Views in SQL, Specifying General Constraints as  Assertions, specifying indexes, Embedded SQL. PL /SQL: Introduction.  [ 12 Hours ] 

Unit - V 

Transaction Processing Concepts: Introduction, Transaction and System Concepts,  Desirable properties of transaction, Schedules and Recoverability, Serializability of  Schedules, Transaction Support in SQL, Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control,  Concurrency Control based on time stamp ordering. 

 [ 12 Hours ] Text book: 

  1. Remez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”,  5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. 


  1. Abrahamsi. Silberschatz, Henry. F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, “Database System  Concepts” 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2012. 

  2. C.J.Date, “Introduction to database systems”, Eight Edition, Addison Wesley,  2003. 


Total Teaching Hours: 65 No of Hours / Week : 05 Unit - I 

Floating-point representation and errors-Normalized floating-point forms, Errors in  representing numbers, Floating point machine number and machine epsilon, Loss of  significance and its avoidance. Roots of equations-locating roots of f(x)=0 Bisection  method, Newton’s method, Secant method. 

[ 13 Hours ] 

Unit - II 

Interpolation and numerical differentiation-polynomial interpolation, Lagrange and  Newton form of interpolating Polynomial, Divided difference and recursive property,  Inverse interpolation, First and Second derivative formulae via interpolation  Polynomials. Numerical integration-Trapezoidal, Simpson’s and adaptive Simpson rules. 

 [ 13 Hours ] Unit - III 

System of linear equations-Gaussian elimination and back substitution-partial and  complete pivoting, Doolittle, Cholesky and Crout LU decomposition methods, Jacobi and 

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Gauss – Seidel iterative methods. Power (and inverse power) method of obtaining largest  (smallest) eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector. Ordinary differential equations initial value problem, Picard’s, Taylor series, Runge-Kutta first, second and fourth order  methods.  

[ 13 Hours ] 

Unit – IV 

Basics concepts and definition of statistics. Mean, Standard deviation, coefficient of  Variation, skewness & kurtosis, Carl Pearson Correlation, Rank correlation and  illustrated examples. Probability: Basic concept and definition of probability, probability  axioms, Laws of Probability, Conditional probability, Bayes theorem , Problems and  application. 

[ 13 Hours ] 

Unit - V 

Random variable and Expectation: Discrete and continuous random variables,  expectation of random variables, theorems on expectation, illustrative examples. Probability Distribution: Probability function, Probability mass/density function,  Discrete Distribution – Bernoulli, Binomial Distribution, Continuous distribution – Normal Distribution, applications and problems. 

[ 13 Hours ] 

Text Books: 

  1. M.K.Jain, SRK Iyengar and R.K. Jain Numerical methods for Scientific and   Engineering Computation: Wiley Eastern. 

  2. Ronald E Walpole & Raymond H Meyers : Probability & Statistics for   Engineers and Scientists (Second Edition). 


  1. J.Medhi : Statistical Methods New Age Publications. 

  2. S.C.Gupta and V.K.Kapoor – Elements of Mathematics, Statistics,   Sultan Chand and Sons. 



  1. Write a menu driven C program to perform the following string operations without  using string functions: (i) String Length (ii) String Concatenation (ii) String  Reverse 

  2. Write a C program to search for an element in an array using Binary search 3. Write a C program to sort a list of N elements using Selection Sort Algorithm. 4. Write a C program to construct a singly linked list and perform insertion, deletion  and Display operations. 

  3. Write a C program to demonstrate the working of stack using liked list. 6. Write a C program for Towers of Hanoi problem.  

  4. Write a C program to find GCD of two numbers using recursion 8. Write a C program to convert infix arithmetic expression to post fix expression. 9. Write a C program to simulate the working of Circular Queue using an array.  10. Write a C program to create and traverse a binary search tree.  


During practical examination the External and Internal examiners may prepare exam  question paper related to theory syllabus apart from Part-A. (A minimum of 10  Programs has to be prepared). 

Note : 

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  1. a) The candidate has to write two the programs One from Part-A and other from  Part-B and execute one program as of External examiner choice. 

  2. b) A minimum of 10 Programs has to be done in Part-B and has to be maintained in  the Practical Record. 

  3. c) Scheme of Evaluation is as follows: 

Writing two programs - 10 Marks 

Execution of one program - 10 Marks 

Formatting the Output - 05 Marks 

Viva - 05 Marks 

Record - 05 Marks 

Total - 35 Marks 



  1. The STUDENT detail databases has a table with the following attributes. The primary  keys are underlined. STUDENT(regno: int, name: string, dob: date, marks: int) i) Create the above table. 

  2. ii) Remove the existing attributes from the table. 

iii) Change the date type of regno from integer to string. 

  1. iv) Add a new attribute phoneno to the existing table. 

  2. v) Enter five tuples into the table. 

  3. vi) Display all the tuples in student table. 

  4. A LIBRARY database has a table with the following attributes. 

LIBRARY(bookid:int, title:string, author:string, publication:string, yearpub:int, price:real) i) Create the above table. 

  1. ii) Enter the five tuples into the table 

iii) Display all the tuples in student table. 

  1. iv) Display the different publishers from the list. 

  2. v) Arrange the tuples in the alphabetical order of the book titles. 

  3. vi) List the details of all the books whose price ranges between Rs. 100 and Rs. 300 3. The SALARY database of an organization has a table with the following attributes.  EMPSALARY(empcod:int, empnamee:string, dob:date, department:string, salary:real) i) Create the above table. 

  4. ii) Enter the five tuples into the table 

iii) Display all the number of employees working in each dapartment. iv) Find the sum of the salaries of all employees. 

  1. v) Find the sum and average of the salaries of employees of a particular department. vi) Find the least and highest salaries that an employee draws.

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  1. Consider the insurance database given below. The primary keys are underlined and  the data types are specified. 

PERSON(driver-id-no: string, name: string, address:strong) 

CAR(regno: string, model: string, year: int) 

ACCIDENT(report-no: int, date: date, location: String) 

OWNS(driver-id-no: string, regno: string) 

PARTICIPATED(driver-id-no: string, regno: string, report-no: int, damage-amount: int) i) Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys ii) Enter atleast five tuples for each relation. 

iii) Demonstrate how you 

  1. a) Update the damage amount for the car with a specific regno in the accident with  report no 12 to 25000. 

  2. b) Add a new accident to the database. 

  3. iv) Find total number of people who owned cars that were involved in accidents in 2002 v) Find the number of accidents in which cars belonging to a specific model were involved 5. Consider the following database of students enrollment in courses and books adopted  for each course. 

STUDENT(regno: string, name: string, major: strong, bdate: date) 

COURSE(course-no: int cname: string, dept: string) 

ENROLL(reg-no: string, course-no: int, sem: int, marks: int) 

BOOK-ADOPTION(course-no: int, sem: int, book-isbn: int) 

TEXT(book-isbn: int, book-title: string, publisher: string, author: string) i) Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys ii) Enter atleast five tuples for each relation. 

iii) Demonstrate how you add a new text book to the database and make this book be  adopted by some department. 

  1. iv) Produce a list of text books (include Course-no, book-isbn, book-title) in the  alphabetical order for courses offered by the ‘Compute Science’ department that use  more than two books. 

  2. v) List any department that has all its adopted books published by a specific publisher. 6. The following tables are maintained by a book dealer  

AUTHOR(author-id: int, name: string, city: string, country: string) 

PUBLISHER(publisher-id: int name: string, city: string, country: string)

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CATLOG(book-id: int, title : string, author-id: int, publisher-id: int, category: int, year:  int, price: int) 

CATEGORY(category-id: int, description: string) 

ORDER-DETAILS(order-no: int, book-id: int, quantity: int) 

  1. i) Create above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys. ii) Enter atleast five tuples for each relation. 

iii) Give the details of the authors who have 2 or more books in the catalog and the price  of the books is greater than the average price of the books in the catalog and the year  of publication is after 2010. 

  1. iv) Find the author of the book which has maximum sales. 

  2. v) Demonstrate how to increase price of books published by specific publisher by 10% 7. Consider the following database for BANK. 

BRANCH(branch-name: string, branch-city: string, assets: real) 

ACCOUNT(accno: int, banch-name: string, balance: real) 

DEPOSITOR(customer-name: string, accno: int) 

CUSTOMER(customer-name: string, customer-street: string, customer-city: string) LOAN(loan-no: int, branch-name: string, amount: real) 

ORROWER(customer-name: string, loan-no: int) 

  1. i) Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and foreign keys. ii) Enter atleast five tuples for each relation. 

iii) Find all the customers who have atleast two accounts at the main branch. iv) Find all customer who have an account at all the branches located in a specific city. v) Demonstrate how t0 delete all account tuples at every branch located in specific city. 8. Consider the following database for ORDER PROCEESING. 

CUSTOMER(cust-no: int, cname: string, city: string) 

ORDER(orderno: int, odate: date, ord-amt: real) 

ORDER_ITEM(orderno: int, itemno:int, qty: int) 

ITEM(itemno: int, unitprice: real) 

SHIPMENT(orderno: int, warehouseno: int, ship-date: date) 

WAREHOUSE(warehouseno: int, city: string) 

  1. i) Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the foreign keys ii) Enter atleast five tuples for each relation. 

iii) List the order number and ship date for all orders shipped from particular warehouse.

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  1. iv) Produce a listing: customer name, no of orders, average order amount v) List the orders that were not shipped within 30 days of ordering 


During practical examination the External and Internal examiners may prepare exam  question paper related to theory syllabus apart from Part-A. (A minimum of 8  Programs has to be prepared). 

Note :  

  1. a) The candidate has to write two the programs One from Part-A and other from Part-B  and execute one program as of External examiner choice. 

  2. b) A minimum of 8 Programs has to be done in Part-B and has to be maintained in the  Practical Record. 

  3. c) Scheme of Evaluation is as follows: 

Writing two programs - 10 Marks 

Execution of one program - 10 Marks  

Formatting the Output - 05 Marks 

Viva - 05 Marks 

Record - 05 Marks 

 Total - 35 Marks 

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